Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'm getting ready for a mini sewing retreat. I feel like a 5th grader..all excited and packing like its a 3-month tour. I am packing up all those PHDs (projects half done) with determination to complete. Course I get to "quilt camp" and see what everyone else is doing and start the quilt shuffle. Quilting is kinda like dancing - you complete with a partner of your choice (me- a husqvarna Viking!), you move gracefully around the floor from station to station, you're sassy in the late hours, and you always have a smile.

I have learned that Quilters speak two languages: English and Quarter Inch. Keep in mind, every quilt has an imperfection. Some call it unintentional and rip, I call it primitive and it stays. More later on my Quilt Camp experience.

1 comment:

  1. How did the retreat go. Love to hear about it. From a Neola friend. Jenelle Matthews
