Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello everyone,
I only have time for a quick post; I'm a busy grandma who works days and sews at night when I'm not hugging that new grandson.  Reece will be 1 this week - doesn't seem possible.  He is all smiles and giggles; I'm sure he gets that from me. I will send pictures as soon as I figure out how to get them out of the dang little camera I put them in.  I'm from the 60's and we used to be able to drop our roll of film off at Walgreens and get it back in less than a week, real pictures. 
I've been working on Little Red Riding Hood and Pinocchio toddler quilts.  I love the nursery rhyme themes - takes me back to when my mother used to read to me out of the only book we had, Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes.  I'll have pictures soon.  Take care

1 comment:

  1. Please post pics of Red Riding Hood quilt! Love your quilts, so fun and full of color!
